I believe in the power our young people have to change the world. God may be calling me to Faith Formation.
St. Anthony Parish-School Volunteers
Share your gifts with children through reading to them, supervising playground, field trips, and helping teachers.
St. Anthony Parish-School Athletics
Coaches & General Assistance
Boosters Club – Support & maintain the athletic programs and equipment.
St. Anthony Youth Ministry
Middle School – Assist with the Middle School program
High School – Assist with the High School program
St. Anthony Religious Education
Classes offered to public school children.
Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA) Team
Opportunity for inquirers to learn about the Catholic Church.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leader
Readings for the Mass are proclaimed to the children and explained at the level of comprehension during Mass.
Theresa Tuttle, Director of Religious Education & Faith Formation
ttuttle@saparish.com | (616) 453-8229, ext. 103