Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)Do you have Child(ren) in Youth Ministry?(Required) No Yes Child(ren) NamesCan you help during youth ministry sessions?(Required) Yes, every week Yes, once a month Yes, twice a month Retreat/Mission Trips only In what way do you prefer to help? Please select all that apply. I enjoy interacting with middle schoolers I enjoy interacting with high schoolers I prefer helping behind the scenes I like sharing my faith with others I prefer support roles over lead roles I’m a talker! I’m a doer! I’ll do whatever, as long as you train me Please select all areas you may be interested in serving. Appropriate training will be provided for each role. Small Group Leader – facilitating faith centered discussions among a small group of youth. Small Group Co-Leader- Supporting small group leader in facilitating small group discussion. Snack Team – snack setup at the beginning of the night, keeping track of snack needs/ supplies Supporting Activities/Projects that take place outside of Sunday night youth group meetings Support Team – Helping with various behind the scenes tasks on Sundays to keep things running smoothly Pickup/Dropoff – Assisting with safety during drop off and pick up times. Hospitality – checking students in, welcoming with a warm smile I’m unsure where I would best fit – Let’s talk about it. Have you completed VIRTUS (Protecting God’s Children) training?(Required) Yes No Yes, in a different dicoese I don’t know Tell us about you! What do you do for a living?Questions/Comments/Amazing Ideas regarding choice selections above?