Accreditation Standards at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School

The following standards align with the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools. St. Anthony of Padua is proud to be an accredited school meeting the defining characteristics of Catholic Schools.
We are centered in the person of Jesus Christ. We are contributing to the evangelizing mission of the church. We are distinguished by excellence. We are committed to educate the whole child. We are steeped in the Catholic worldview. We are sustained by Gospel witness. We are shaped by communion and community. We are accessible to all students. We are established by the expressed authority of the Bishop.
Mission and Catholic Identity
Standard 1
An excellent Catholic school is guided and driven by a clearly communicated mission that embraces a Catholic Identity rooted in Gospel values, centered on the Eucharist, and committed to faith formation, academic excellence and service.
Standard 2
An excellent Catholic school adhering to mission provides a rigorous academic program for religious studies and catechesis in the Catholic faith, set within a total academic curriculum that integrates faith, culture, and life.
Standard 3
An excellent Catholic school adhering to mission provides opportunities outside the classroom for student faith formation, participation in liturgical and communal prayer, and action in service of social justice.
Standard 4
An excellent Catholic school adhering to mission provides opportunities for adult faith formation and action in service of social justice.
Governance and Leadership
Standard 5
An excellent Catholic school has a governing body (person or persons) which recognizes and respects the role(s) of the appropriate and legitimate authorities, and exercises responsible decision making (authoritative, consultative, advisory) in collaboration with the leadership team for development and oversight of the school’s fidelity to mission, academic excellence, and operational vitality.
Standard 6
An excellent Catholic school has a qualified leader/leadership team empowered by the governing body to realize and implement the school’s mission and vision.
Academic Excellence
Standard 7
An excellent Catholic school has a clearly articulated, rigorous curriculum aligned with relevant standards, 21st century skills, and Gospel values, implemented through effective instruction.
Standard 8
An excellent Catholic school uses school-wide assessment methods and practices to document student learning and program effectiveness, to make student performances transparent, and to inform the continuous review of curriculum and the improvement of instructional practices.
Standard 9
An excellent Catholic school provides programs and services aligned with the mission to enrich the academic program and support the development of student and family life.
Operational Vitality
Standard 10
An excellent Catholic school provides a feasible three to five year financial plan that includes both current and projected budgets and is the result of a collaborative process, emphasizing faithful stewardship.
Standard 11
An excellent Catholic school operates in accord with published human resource/personnel policies, developed in compliance with (arch)diocesan policies and/or religious congregation sponsorship policies, which affect all staff (clergy, religious women and men, laity and volunteers) and provides clarity for responsibilities, expectations and accountability.
Standard 12
An excellent Catholic school develops and maintains a facilities, equipment, and technology management plan designed to continuously support the implementation of the educational mission of the school.
Standard 13
An excellent Catholic school enacts a comprehensive plan for institutional advancement based on a compelling mission through communications, marketing, enrollment management, and development.