The following programs earn money for our school by clipping labels or UPC codes, saving receipts, or simply shopping from a website. They can be turned in at any time to the school office or in the gathering space! In addition, items may be sent to school with your student for our monthly Box Tops jeans days to count toward our yearly classroom competition!

Box Tops
Participating brands include Pillsbury, General Mills, Betty Crocker, Old El Paso, Ziplock, Kleenex, Progresso, Hefty and more.
Clip the “Box Top” label. Each one is worth $0.10.

Tyson Project A+
Participating products include Tyson chicken, Day Starts breakfast foods, and Any’tizers.
Each one is worth $0.24.

Aunt Millie’s School Spirit Program
Participating products include Aunt Millie’s bread and buns, Soft n’ Good, Holsum, Sunbeam, and Snack Planet.
Clip the UPC with the School Spirit logo. Each one is worth $0.05.

Spartan – Direct Your Dollars
Simply shop at a participating store (D&W, Family Fare, Forest Hills Foods) and turn in your whole receipt, not just the portion that states Direct Your Dollars.
You may black out your payment method if you prefer.
Once enough points are collected, Spartan issues a check for $1000 to the school.

Scrip fundraising is a program that enables our families to easily satisfy their annual family fee and help raise money for St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School.
Scrip is just another way to pay for everyday purchases using gift cards in place of cash, checks, and credit cards.
For more information on any of these programs, feel free to contact the school office at